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Strike on Okhmatdyt: Russian pilot passes photos of commanders, service documents (update)

A Russian military pilot was shocked by the attack on a children's hospital and handed over photos of the commanders involved to Ukrainian intelligence. 

Strike on Okhmatdyt: Russian pilot passes photos of commanders, service documents (update)
Photo: Infosprotyv

After the criminal attack on the Okhmadyt children's hospital in Kyiv on 8 July 2024, one of the pilots of the 22nd Heavy Bomber Aviation Division (military unit 06987, Engels airfield) contacted the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine's chatbot, which is the one that constantly shells Ukrainian cities with X-101 missiles, reports Informatsiynyy Sprotyv. 

According to Information Resistance's intelligence sources, the Russian soldier wrote that he was shocked by the attack on the children's hospital and did not understand, as did several of his colleagues, why they were forced to hit Ukraine's civilian infrastructure. Therefore, he decided to hand over to the Ukrainian side documents related to the activities of his military unit, as well as private photos of the command staff of the 22nd Heavy Bombing Aviation Division.

According to the sources, even an initial study of the materials received proves their great importance. After all, the array of information includes documents from the personnel files of senior officers, personal data of Russian servicemen and their families, etc. However, the most valuable are the stamped documents of the 22nd Heavy Bombardment Aviation Division. 

"Informsprotyv hopes to publish some of these documents in the near future. In the meantime, we publish private photos from the celebration on the occasion of the appointment of Colonel Ilya Koryakin, Chief of Staff of the 52nd Air Force, to the post of Chief of Staff of the 22nd Air Force in the restaurant Naples (Engels, Saratov Region), which show more than 30 people from the command staff of the units of the 22nd Heavy Bomber Aviation Division of the Long-Range Aviation Command of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Photo: Infosprotyv

1. Pechkarev Aleksey Gennadiyevich, commander of the Tu-95, 121st Airborne Division, 22nd Airborne Division of the KDA of the Russian Air Force.

2. Martynov Andrey Pavlovich, assistant navigator of the aviation squadron, 121st Air Force, 22nd Air Force, Russian Air Force

3. Govorov Vladislav Sergeyevich, allegedly head of the service for the protection of state secrets, 121st Airborne Squadron of the 22nd Air Force of the Russian Federation, Captain.

4. Golovanov Vyacheslav Georgiyevich

5. Aluyev Aleksandr Nikolayevich, probably holds a command position in the personnel department of the 22nd Air Force Combined Arms Division of the Russian Air Force.

6. Denis Petrovich Khokhryakov, senior officer, 52nd Battalion, 22nd Air Force Brigade of the Russian VKS.

7. Mikhaylishin Oleg Vladimirovich, deputy commander for personnel work of the 22nd Air Force, Colonel.

8. Azarenkov Alexander Yuriyevich, senior officer, 22nd Air Force Combined Arms Division of the Russian VKS.

9. Baranov Oleg Yuriyevich, senior navigator of the 22nd Air Force Command, Colonel.

10. Burdakov Pavel Vladimirovich, commander of the Tu-160, 121st Air Force, 22nd Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel.

11. Tatur Vladimir Bronislavovich.

12. Dolgushin Sergey Vladimirovich, senior officer of the 22nd Air Force Combatant Command of the Russian Air Force.

13. Papikyan Nikolay Lukashevich, Deputy Chief of Staff of the 22nd Air Force Communications and Radio Engineering Command of the Russian Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel.

14. Koryakin Ilya Vladimirovich, Chief of Staff of the 22nd Air Force Combatant Command of the Russian Air Force, Colonel.

15. Smirnov Maksim Vladislavovich, senior officer, 22nd Air Force Combatant Command of the Russian Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel.

16. Kashlev Aleksandr Sergeyevich, senior officer, 22nd separate command and control air force of the Russian Aerospace Forces, lieutenant colonel.

17. Belokobylskiy Konstantin Petrovich. 

18. Struchkov Stanislav Dmitriyevich. 

19. Tsybizov Aleksey Sergeyevich, senior officer, 121st Battalion, 22nd Battalion of the KDA of the Russian Air Force.

20. Malyukov Andrey Ivanovich, allegedly the head of the meteorological service of the 22nd Airborne Division of the KDA of the Russian Air Force.

21. Stepanenko Dmitriy Viktorovich, Deputy Chief of Staff of the 22nd Air Force Command for Military Service and Security of the Russian Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel.

22. Solovyov Ruslan Arslanovich, senior officer, 22nd Air Force Command of the Russian Air Force.

23. Zykov Vitaliy Yevgenyevich, senior officer, 22nd separate command and control air force of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Lieutenant Colonel.

24. Pokatisov Alexander Sergeyevich. 

25. Malinin Vladislav Viktorovich, senior navigator of 121st Bap 22nd Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel.

26. Skitskiy Oleg Igorevich, commander of the 121st Airborne Battalion of the 22nd Airborne Division of the Russian VKS, Colonel.

27. Teterev Sergey Viktorovich, senior officer, 22nd Air Force Combatant Command of the Russian VKS, Major.

28. Varpakhovich Nikolay Nikolayevich, commander of the 22nd Air Force Brigade of the Russian VKS, Colonel.

29. Kapsha Trofim Aleksandrovych, deputy commander of the 22nd Air Force Brigade of the Russian Air Force, Colonel.

30. Gorlov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, senior officer of the 22nd Air Force, Major. 

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