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Skibitskyy: Kursk offensive changes Russia's plans for building reserves, operations in occupied territories

There are already positive results of the offensive.

Skibitskyy: Kursk offensive changes Russia's plans for building reserves, operations in occupied territories
Vadym Skibitskyy, Deputy Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine
Photo: Oleksandr Ratushnyak

The Kursk operation affected Russia's plans to build up reserves, including strategic ones. This was stated by Vadym Skibitskyy, Deputy Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, during the discussion of the New Country project ‘Justice as a Key Instrument of State Development’.

The offensive on Russian territory also changed the enemy's plans for operations in the occupied territories. Other details about the results are not yet subject to disclosure. 

‘There is a result. It is available to a more closed audience. But the result is positive,’ he said. 

Kursk operation

On 6 August, after the night of the air attack, Russia started talking about a border breakthrough in the Kursk Region. At first, the Russians claimed to have repelled the attacks of ‘saboteurs’ and to be in control of the border, but even hostile pro-war bloggers wrote on the first day of events that this was not the case. Andriy Kovalenko, head of the Centre for Countering Disinformation, said that the enemy's claims of controlling the border in the Kursk Region were fake.

Ukraine did not officially comment on these events. 

On 7 August, Russians reported that the fighting continued. Evacuations were announced from some settlements. No one denied the fact that the border had been breached, including Vladimir Putin, who urgently convened the government and, according to Russian media, the security council. 

Comments on the Kursk Region, albeit rather circumspect, began to be made by Mykhaylo Podolyak, an adviser to the head of the Presidential Office.

Meanwhile, the US and the EU were very cautious in their comments. Washington said it wanted to clarify with Ukraine what was happening. The Americans also said that we should not forget that Russia attacked Ukrainians from the Kursk Region, and that Ukraine has the right to defend itself. The right to defence was also reiterated in the European Union. 

On 8 August, the Ukrainian president said in an address that Russia had brought war to our land, and it should feel what it had done. The Pentagon said that it did not consider the events in the Kursk Region to be an escalation, and that Ukraine was doing what it needed to do to win on the battlefield. 

According to Deep State, Russia lost several settlements on the first day of the operation. 

According to the SBU, Russia is preparing new PSYOP accusing Ukraine of war crimes in the Kursk Region. 

On 12 August, Kyiv officially confirmed the operation in the Kursk Region.

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