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Ukraine honours its defenders today

Supreme Commander-in-Chief Zelenskyy noted that Ukraine will not forgive Russia for any Ukrainian lives destroyed. For his part, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyy, stressed that the anniversary of the bloody battles for Ilovaysk would remind us that any negotiations with terrorists and murderers are a deadly business. 

Ukraine honours its defenders today
Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy/Telegram

On 29 August, Ukraine marks the Day of Remembrance of Defenders. 

"Today Ukraine honours the memory of all its defenders. All those who fought for our country, for Ukrainian independence and gave the most precious thing - their lives," President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wrote in his address.

The Head of State noted that in August 2014, on these very days, the Russian military committed one of the most despicable crimes of this war - killing hundreds of our soldiers near Ilovaysk. It was a planned, cynical Russian crime that Ukraine will never forget and will not leave unpunished.

"We will always remember each and every one of those whose lives were taken by this war. And we will not forgive Russia for a single Ukrainian life destroyed. Eternal memory to all our heroes! And thank you to everyone who does not forget, who honours and helps the families of our fallen soldiers," Zelenskyy said.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyy also addressed the citizens on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the Defenders. 

"Dear fellow citizens! Today is the 10th anniversary of the bloody battles for Ilovaysk. This is the day when we remember all the defenders of Ukraine who fell in the war with Russia. Ilovaysk is not only a tragic event in the history of Ukraine, but also a page of Ukrainian resilience, an act and a feat of the Ukrainian military. Let us remember that despite the losses and deception of the enemy, our soldiers did not surrender, but continued to break out of the trap and fight," he said in his address.

Syrskyy noted that this day will always remind us of the cunning and treachery of the Russian aggressor, that any negotiations with terrorists and murderers are a deadly business, and that they cannot be trusted.

"I thank Ukrainian mothers and fathers for their children who gave their lives for Ukraine's independence and the freedom of the entire Ukrainian people. Your children are real heroes, their feat is not in vain and will be etched in the memory of our people forever. Eternal memory and glory to the Ukrainian defenders who fell in the struggle for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine! We will win!" wrote Oleksandr Syrskyy. 

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