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Government simplifies payment of benefits for death or injury of military personnel

Previously, decisions on one-time financial assistance were made by an interdepartmental commission, and the funds were paid by social protection authorities.

Government simplifies payment of benefits for death or injury of military personnel
Illustrative photo

The Government has simplified the procedure for granting a one-off financial assistance in the event of the death or disability of Defenders of Ukraine.

This is stated in a government resolution and in the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers. 

‘To introduce amendments to the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to simplify the procedure for granting and paying a one-time financial assistance in the event of death or disability of certain categories of persons in accordance with the Law of Ukraine ‘On the Status of War Veterans and Guarantees of Their Social Protection’,’ reads the text of the resolution signed by Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal.

Previously, the decision to grant a one-time financial assistance was made by an interdepartmental commission, and the funds were paid by social protection agencies.

From now on, the Ministry of Veterans will make decisions on the granting of one-off financial assistance and pay it out by transferring funds to the recipient's bank account. 

One-time financial assistance in case of disability due to injury, contusion, mutilation or illness is granted in the amount of

  • 400 subsistence minimums in case of group I disability (UAH 1.21 million)
  • 300 subsistence minimums in case of group II disability (UAH 908 thousand)
  • 250 subsistence minimums in case of disability of group III (UAH 757 thousand). 

The one-time financial assistance in the event of death is granted and paid to the family members of the deceased Defender of Ukraine in the amount of UAH 15 million.

Currently, the subsistence minimum is UAH 3,028.

To apply for and receive a one-time financial assistance, an applicant submits an application to the Ministry of Veterans in paper or electronic form.

The one-time financial assistance is paid on a priority basis according to the date of receipt of the documents by the Ministry of Veterans.

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