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Blinken names two steps to end war in Ukraine

In particular, in order to end the war in Ukraine, Russia's cooperation with the DPRK and Iran must be stopped.

Blinken names two steps to end war in Ukraine
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks at the Future Summit
Photo: EPA/UPG

At a meeting of UN Security Council ministers on Ukraine, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that to end the war, Russia's cooperation with the DPRK and Iran must be stopped and Ukraine must be supported in its quest for peace. 

This is stated on the website of the US State Department. 

‘The question we face today is not what Russia will do. We already know that. Putin will continue to wage his unjust war. The question before us is how we, the members of this council, can end Putin's war and strengthen the international rules and laws that make all of our countries safer and more secure,’ Blinken said in his speech. 

According to him, there are two ‘immediate and interconnected’ steps that need to be taken to end the war. 

‘First, we must address Russia's growing cooperation with North Korea and Iran,’ the secretary of state said. 

He noted that Iran has been supplying combat drones to the Kremlin since 2022. In addition, Iran has built a drone manufacturing plant in Russia, and a few weeks ago transferred hundreds of short-range ballistic missiles to Russia, and Tehran trained the Russian military in Iran to handle these weapons. 

Meanwhile, the DPRK has delivered weapons and ammunition to Russia, including ballistic missiles, launchers and millions of artillery shells.

‘The support from Tehran and Pyongyang helps Putin to cause slaughter, suffering and destruction to innocent Ukrainian men, women and children; to destroy Ukrainian homes, grain silos and ports; to devastate Ukrainian power plants, heating and gas facilities just when it is freezing,’ the politician added.

He emphasised that such actions by Iran, North Korea and Russia violated numerous Security Council resolutions - resolutions that Russia voted for, and as a permanent member, it has a special responsibility to implement.

‘The more Russia relies on their support, the more Iran and North Korea get in return. And the more Putin gives to Pyongyang and Tehran, the more he increases threats to peace and security - not just in Europe, but in the Indo-Pacific, in the Middle East, around the world,’ Blinken said, adding that while North Korea has been increasing military support for Russia, Putin has responded with military commitments and money. Russian banks are helping North Korea avoid sanctions, freeing up more funds for its illegal weapons programmes.

According to Blinken, North Korea and Iran are not the only ones helping Russia. Another ‘helper’ is China, which is the main supplier of machine tools, microelectronics and other goods that Russia uses to repair, replenish stocks, and build up its military machine.

‘Now, some may ask how the United States or any other country that helps Ukraine defend itself can criticise countries for providing military support to Russia. There is a profound difference. Russia is the aggressor; Ukraine is the victim. If countries stop supporting Ukraine, Ukraine may soon be finished,’ the official said, adding that this “leads to the second step that the Council members can take”.

‘One of the main responsibilities of the Council is to find a peaceful solution to conflicts. As President Zelenskyy said, no one wants peace more than Ukraine,’ Blinken said.

He said that for all nations that want this conflict to end - and make it last - the fastest way forward is simple: stop those who are aiding and abetting Putin's aggression.

He called on the Council to support Ukraine's call for a just and lasting peace to end Russia's war of aggression. He also noted that the United States is ready and willing to work with any partner to support peace based on these principles. 

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