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Ukraine, Poland join anticorruption forces

The NABU and the CAB will share experience in combating corruption.

Ukraine, Poland join anticorruption forces

The National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Central Anticorruption Bureau of Poland (CAB) have agreed on cooperation and exchange of information.

The two agencies' directors signed the memorandum in Warsaw, the NABU said on its website. The Memorandum of Cooperation provides for the exchange of information on legislation, analytical findings, research and other materials for the detection, investigation and prevention of corruption crimes.

"We have studied the experience of Poland, Romania, Austria and other countries to find the best model for fight against corruption, which can be applied in Ukraine. I am convinced that it is very important to maintain close relations with anticorruption agencies of other states. After all, corruption schemes investigated by our detectives for the most part do not end in Ukraine," the director of the NABU, Artem Sytnyk, said.

In the framework of the cooperation agreement, the NABU and the CAB agreed on mutual assistance to anti-corruption measures, implementation of joint educational programmes, working visits, training programmes, conferences and seminars, exchange of experts, as well as information about the latest scientific and technical developments, innovative achievements, and computer software.

Earlier, it was announced that the NABU would hold joint exercises with the US SWAT.

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