The current information about the oil depot in Kyiv region: there is no immediate threat. Screenshot The current information about the oil depot in Kyiv region: there is no immediate threat to the civilians. This has been reported by Oleksander Khorugnyi, State Emergency Service’ of Ukraine press officer through the Telegram channel. "Currently, the fire is contained within the embankment, there is no fire expansion There is no threat to people. SES units are ready and will be put out to extinguish the fire as soon as possible after the shelling. Additionally, a reserve forces has been put together in Kirovograd and Cherkasy. The forces comprise of up to 200 people and 50 units SES equipment "- said the message. Information on victims is being verified. To recap, around 1 am on February 27th near the Kryachky village, Fastovsky area, the fire broke down at the storage with oil products at “KLO” caused by shelling by the Russian troops.
Update on the fire at the oil depot in Kyiv region: no current threat
Information on victims and those injured is being verified.