On the eve of the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian military received a bunch of propaganda materials. That included the so-called "Code of Honor of the Modern Russian Officer," issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The document calls the military to study and comply with the guideline.
This was reported by the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.
The "code" is filled with hate, fascist propaganda of war, proof of dividing Russians by nationality as well as conspiracy theories and is clearly aimed at uneducated people, according to the intelligence.
The "code" includes the following statements:
– Russia and the Russian army are the last frontiers, which holds back the onset of Satan's "new world order". This thesis is a direct reference to the latest radical xenophobic global conspiracy theories, which are part of the official ideology of the aggressor.
– "A Russian officer may not be of Russian descent," meaning that Russia's totalitarian state deliberately divides its own citizens into ethnic Russians and "non-Russians."
– "Russian officer ready to live and die with no name". That would explain why most occupants arrive in Ukraine with no personal documents.
– "Being able to admit you’re wrong". Given common sense, this clause should be the starting point for the occupation forces to refuse to carry out criminal orders or surrender.
The "code" also quotes the Russian military-political leaders, such as Putin, Shoigu and others. “Russia has existed for 1,152 years and many Western emperors have broken their teeth on it," Minister of Defence of Russia Sergei Shoigu stated. Please note, that Moscow as a city was founded in 1147 by Kyiv Prince Yuri Dolgorukiy (or the Long Arm). At the same time, for a long time, it was just one of the uluses of the Golden Horde.
"Therefore, the Russian army today serves exclusively as means of implementing the aggressive ambitions of the invading country," the Ukrainian intelligence said. "And propaganda among the Russian military has long corresponded to the worst totalitarian models condemned by the entire civilized world."
Yesterday, the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine made public the list of military personnel of two subdivisions of the operational association of Russia’s air and space forces, which carry out an invasion of Ukraine from the Belarusian side.