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62% of Ukrainians consider military assistance to Ukraine insufficient, - “Rating”

90% of those who participated in a poll are of the opinion that Ukraine has to continue pressuring NATO with demands to “close the sky”.

62% of Ukrainians consider military assistance to Ukraine insufficient, - “Rating”

By Oleg Bazar, Chief Editor of LB

Ukrainians consider military assistance from western partners to Ukraine insufficient. The result came from a poll conducted by “Rating” on 8-9 March, 2022.

Only 29% of the polled population consider the military assistance sufficient, while 62% consider it insufficient. The worst rating came from the southern and eastern regions of the country, while a slightly better rating came from the western and central regions.

Financial assistance is considered mostly sufficient (39% consider it sufficient while 45% consider it insufficient), economic sanctions against Russia (sufficient by 39%, insufficient by 62%), diplomatic assistance is considered more sufficient by 48% of respondents and humanitarian aid - by 47%.

At the same time, 63% of Ukrainians mostly expect military assistance. 47% of respondents consider weapons assistance more beneficial, while 89% consider “closing the sky” more beneficial. Besides, a quarter of respondents want military medical assistance and international volunteers, every fifth respondent wants tactical equipment (hand held radio, night vision goggles, etc), bulletproof vests and helmets.

“ Every weapon, every sanction, every company that leaves Russia, can save a 

human life”, said Kuleba

Even though 50% of those polled believe in “closing the sky” above Ukraine, only 19% believe that NATO will approve this decision in the near future, and 31% believe it will happen later. 43% of respondents don’t think the West will take this step.

79% of respondents believe that delaying the decision of “closing the sky” by NATO is connected to the fear of a direct war with Russia. 12% believe that NATO countries don’t want to damage relationships with the occupant country.

“All of Ukraine is asking NATO to close the sky. But we are not being heard”, - Olena Zelenska said regarding Mariupol bombing.

Nevertheless, 90% of respondents believe that Ukraine should continue pressuring NATO with demands to “close the sky”.

The poll was conducted 8 - 9 March in all regions besides temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. The poll was conducted among 1,200 respondents, with a 2.8% margin of error.

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