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Russians near Mykolayiv uprepared for frosts - CIT

Information confirmed by the Pentagon.

Russians near Mykolayiv uprepared for frosts - CIT

The russian military, in particular those fighting near Mykolaiv, were unprepared for frosts in Ukraine and could get frostbite due to lack of warm uniforms. This is stated in the message of the Conflict Intelligence Team in the Telegram.

"Among the wiretaps of the russian military talks published by the Security Service of Ukraine, our attention was drawn to a conversation where one of the interlocutors, among other things, said that half of his soldiers fighting near Mykolayiv suffer from frostbite. Twitter users with sources in Donbass, as well as representatives of the Pentagon. The person involved in the wiretapping also complains that the soldiers have to sleep in trenches because they have no tents or stoves”, the statement said.

This information was confirmed by another source. Thus, in one of the formations only one battalion-tactical group was provided with tents, and only 20% of the personnel had winter uniforms. At the same time, contractors often bought it themselves. 

"We believe that the reason for this and many other shortcomings is institutional corruption in the russian military," the CIT said.

Many commentators on the Internet doubted that frostbite could occur in Ukraine in the spring. However archival data on weather in Mykolaiv show that in March of this year the temperature regularly dropped significantly below zero. 

"It was quite predictable, because back in January, Ukrainian weather forecasters promised an abnormally cold spring. Apparently, the russian staff members responsible for planning the operation either expected to end it in a few days, or did not take into account the possible weather anomaly, or mistakenly believed that russian troops were equipped with winter uniforms, "- added the investigators. 

Thus, it is known that the authorities of the russian regions, in particular the Volgograd region, are announcing actions to collect warm clothes for the military who are fighting in Ukraine.

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