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Smyrnov: Global community works on russia’s property confiscation

They are developing a mechanism that enables the arrest and confiscation of the aggressor’s property.

Smyrnov: Global community works on russia’s property confiscation
Андрій Смирнов
Photo: facebook/Андрій Смирнов

A number of western countries prepare the bills that should hit the russian economy and prevent the rf from financing the war against Ukraine, informed Andrii Smyrnov, the deputy head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine.

According to him, the bills will also enable the real mechanisms that will provide arrests and confiscation of the property of the rf. That is all about individuals and legal entities that are related to the war in Ukraine.

For example, in the US the House of Representatives supported the bill that provides the President with procedures that are needed for the arrest and confiscation of the property and bank accounts of foreign civilians whose property is partially acquired due to corruption, related to the russian president or those who provide political support for his regime. These assets should go for the renovation of Ukraine, he supposes.

The process of sanction regulations amendments that will enable to reallocate the arrested foreign assets as compensation for victims or as an aid for the renovation of a foreign country after the war keeps going in Canada.

At the end of April, the House of Representatives of the Canadian parliament had the first hearing of the bill about the implementation of some provisions of the budget. The document envisages some state budget amendments which ascertain in fact the fast-track and simplified order of consideration of the issues regarding the property confiscation if the assets of the individuals or legal entities under the sanctions have been found in the territory of Canada. The arrested assets can go to the renovation of the foreign state that suffered much from the serious violation of the international peace and security.

Moreover, both Houses of the Parliament of Canada supported unanimously the statement about recognition the crimes, committed by russia in Ukraine, a genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Earlier, Andrii Smyrnov told that russian president vladimir putin may be brought to the legal responsibility personally if to prove the act of aggression against Ukraine.

By the way, the Parliament Assembly of the Council of Europe called for the creation of the international tribunal for the investigation of the war crimes, committed by the rf in Ukraine.

The Hague Tribunal started the investigation of possible military crimes by russia. 

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