Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology and Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhaylo Fedorov said that Russians are trying to disrupt Starlink, but their attempts have been unsuccessful in preventing Ukraine from using satellite communications.
"The Russians are trying to use their technology to disrupt satellite communications, but they are not succeeding in achieving the result that would prevent us from using Starlink," he said in an interview with Ukrinform.
Fedorov clarified that Ukraine currently has certain mechanisms to counter Russian attempts to disrupt Starlink and is working to ensure that "this does not happen at all".
Fedorov also said that Ukraine has already received 42,000 Starlink terminals.
"Everything is working steadily. We are in constant communication with the company and respond promptly to everything. There are 42,000 Starlink terminals in Ukraine now, which provide communications for power engineers, doctors and the military," the minister said.
Fedorov said that "the state did not spend a single penny on them" as everything was donated by international partners, who also pay for the operation of the equipment on favourable terms.
As reported earlier, Russia has been experimenting with Tobol systems for months to jam Starlink in Ukraine. Russia's attempts to prevent the Ukrainian military from accessing the Internet by targeting Starlink satellite operations are more complex than previously thought.