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“Russians want revenge in east” - Syrskyy about fierce fighting on Kupyansk-Lyman line

The enemy is trying to seize the initiative. 

“Russians want revenge in east” - Syrskyy about fierce fighting on Kupyansk-Lyman line
Photo: Military Media Center

The Russian military is preparing assault units and redeploying units of the 25th Army to the Kupyansk-Lyman frontline, the commander of the Land Forces Alexander Syrskyy has said on Telegram

According to him, the enemy intends to seize the operational initiative in the east and take revenge. In the Kupyansk sector, Russians are preparing the assault units and conducting fierce shelling.

In the Liman sector, the occupiers continue to replace troops with units of the 25th Army, which was formed on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Fierce fighting is taking place near Bakhmut, the invaders are trying to hold their positions, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine are gradually driving the occupiers out.

"The main task is to ensure reliable defence, prevent the loss of borders and positions at the Kupyansk and Lyman directions, as well as to reach certain borders at the Bakhmut direction. But the main thing is to do it with minimal losses," emphasised Syrskyy.

Over the past day, the Defence Forces repelled Russian attacks in Donetsk, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhya regions. The Defence Forces offensive in the Melitopol sector continues. 

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