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Ukraine has intelligence on Russia receiving new imported weapons

It will be announced after receiving one hundred percent confirmation. 

Ukraine has intelligence on Russia receiving new imported weapons
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Photo: Press service of the Office of the President of Ukraine

Ukraine has intelligence on Russia's supply of not only weapons from the DPRK and Iran. This has not yet been officially discussed, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said at a briefing in Belgium.

Iran is openly supplying weapons - not only drones but also missiles. North Korea supplies artillery shells and missiles.

"And there are some things that we are not talking about publicly today, but we see these supplies. We see it from our intelligence," he said.

They will be officially announced after they are 100% sure of the deliveries.

  • Iran has been supplying Russia with attack drones since the first year of the full-scale war.
  • Last year, the DPRK started helping Russia with weapons. 
  • Recently, the UK reported that it had evidence of arms supplies from China. Ukrainian intelligence had previously said that only equipment and parts were supplied from China.
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