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Russians drop 1.5-ton bomb on Donetsk Region city, children among injured

About a hundred houses were damaged, including 3 that were almost completely destroyed.

Russians drop 1.5-ton bomb on Donetsk Region city, children among injured
Consequences of an air strike on Oleksiyevo-Druzhkivka
Photo: Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office

Six people were wounded in today's attack on Oleksiyevo-Druzhkivka. In the morning, the Russians dropped a one-and-a-half tonne high-explosive detonating aerial bomb with a planning and correction module on the town. 

According to Vadym Filashkin, head of the Donetsk military administration, a child sustained light injuries. He does not need hospitalisation, while two wounded adults were taken to hospital.

At 17.57, the Donetsk regional prosecutor's office clarified that 6 people were wounded as a result of the bombing, including a 4-year-old child.

A 30-year-old mother and her 4-year-old son were injured in the attack. A 49-year-old woman and 3 men aged 34 to 53 were also injured. The victims were diagnosed with shrapnel wounds, broken ribs, abrasions and concussion and were promptly provided with medical assistance.

 According to preliminary data, the enemy shelled the settlement with an "ODAB-1500" (a volumetric detonating aerial bomb).

Dozens of houses, a religious building and 4 cars were damaged in the village. The inspection of the scene is ongoing.

According to Filashkin, about a hundred houses were damaged, 3 of which were almost completely destroyed.

"Tomorrow, the Druzhkivka City Military Administration will start distributing construction materials," Filashkin added. 

He noted that they have also submitted an application to international organisations that provide financial assistance to ensure that each affected family receives a cash payment.

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