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$100,000 per month: ex-MP detained in Kyiv on suspicion of making money from military evaders

The investigation established that the official, who is currently a member of the management team of the Kyiv Institute of Preventive Medicine, organised the mass production and sale of fake documents on obtaining a disability group. 

$100,000 per month: ex-MP detained in Kyiv on suspicion of making money from military evaders
Photo: SBU

The Security Service of Ukraine reported the dismantling of another large-scale mobilisation evasion scheme. According to the special service, a former MP, who is currently a member of the management of the Kyiv Institute for Preventive Medicine, is involved in the fraud. This is Iryna Sysoyenko, UP writes, citing law enforcement sources. 

According to the investigation, the official organised the mass production and sale of fictitious documents on obtaining a disability group due to occupational diseases. The main clients of the offenders were potential conscripts who planned to use the fake documents to deregister from the military register and illegally travel abroad.

According to available data, the illegal activities of the criminals, led by the former MP, brought a monthly "profit" of almost USD 100,000. This amount was distributed among all the accomplices, including two colleagues of the organiser: heads of departments of the medical institution, a therapist and a coordinator of illegal activities of doctors in Lviv Region. The scheme also involved several officials of medical and social expert commissions in the western region.

According to the investigation, the defendants acted as part of an organised criminal group and offered their clients a full package of "documents" to evade mobilisation. At first, the evaders were falsely registered for outpatient treatment, then "diagnosed" with an occupational disease, and then assigned a disability group.

As a result of complex measures, the organiser of the scheme and her accomplice from Lviv Region, who was passing her a kickback of USD 32,000, were detained red-handed in Kyiv.

During the searches of the defendants' places of work and residence, the SBU found more than UAH 40 million, medical documents and draft records of clients.

Based on the evidence collected, the organiser of the criminal group and four of its members were served a notice of suspicion (in accordance with the crimes committed) under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

p. 3 and part 4 of Art. 368 (acceptance of an offer or receipt of an unlawful benefit by an official using his/her official position); part 3 of Art. 369-2 (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an unlawful benefit for oneself or a third party for influencing the decision-making of a person authorised to perform state functions).

The investigation is ongoing to establish all the circumstances of the crime and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The offenders face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. 

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