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Fire after strike on Kyiv Region extinguished in 12 hours

Air defence was operating in the region.

Fire after strike on Kyiv Region extinguished in 12 hours
illustrative photo
Photo: Office of the Prosecutor General in Kyiv Region

The head of the Kyiv regional military administration, Ruslan Kravchenko, said that during the four-hour air alert, Russia attacked the region with attack drones and cruise missiles.

Air defence forces were deployed in the region. As a result of the shelling, a fire broke out at an industrial facility.

There were no reports of casualties. As of 6 am, emergency services were working to eliminate the fire.

As of 5 p.m., the fire was extinguished, the SES reported. It took half a day to extinguish the fire.

"At 17:00, the fire that started last night as a result of an enemy attack was extinguished. Almost 140 rescuers and 44 pieces of equipment were working at the scene,’ the statement said.

 Russia attacked Kyiv Region at night
Photo: SES of Ukraine in Telegram
Russia attacked Kyiv Region at night

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