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Hackers breach Moscow-based Rialcom: switches disabled, customer database destroyed

As a result, Internet and communication services were suspended for several days for about 3,500 legal entities and tens of thousands of individuals. 

Hackers breach Moscow-based Rialcom: switches disabled, customer database destroyed
Photo: stock

The BO Team hacker group has announced that it has hacked into the Russian Internet provider Rialcom. 

"The successful hunt of the BO Team cyber group continues. Moscow-based Internet service provider Rialcom has become another victim. The results are impressive even to experts. More than 10,000 of the provider's switches and the company's website were disabled, and all customer databases were completely destroyed," the statement said. 

The group notes that as a result, Internet and communication services were suspended for several days for about 3,500 legal entities and tens of thousands of individuals. Many of Rialcom's clients are representatives of large businesses and the public sector, including those in the defence sector. The total losses of the company and its customers could reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. The hackers admit a possible customer outflow. 

"The attack was so powerful that it took a week to restore payment services and customer accounts. Ukrainian cyber warriors also played the role of Robin Hood. Thanks to their skilful actions, Rialcom unexpectedly returned more than 13 million rubles to its clients without them even noticing. The company itself had nothing better to say than to simply report that its communication network infrastructure had been attacked from 26 to 27 May. At the same time, they noted that they were not ready to tell how the hacking happened. It only sweetened the pill with the fact that the personal data of customers was not affected," the statement said.

It is noted that the hackers leaked some pretty juicy details of the provider's activities. They got hold of the evidence base, which proves that this provider deliberately and regularly "leaked" everything about all its customers directly to the FSB

Last month, the General Staff reminded the military about the Russia's interception of phone calls and correspondence in combat areas. The General Staff offers military personnel to test and improve their skills in cyberspace by taking an online course on basic cybersecurity measures. 

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