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Naftogaz to hand over power plant for heat, electricity generation to Kharkiv

The plant was built in 2007 but has not been in operation. 

Naftogaz to hand over power plant for heat, electricity generation to Kharkiv
Repair of damaged equipment
Photo: EPA/UPG

Naftogaz Group will transfer a Deutz gas reciprocating power plant to Kharkiv that can produce electricity and heat for the city's needs. This was reported by the press service of Naftogaz.

This plant was built in 2007, but it was not in operation.

"Now it can really help the frontline city of one million people during the war and provide heat and electricity to its residents. Therefore, when the city of Kharkiv asked us to transfer this unit, we had no hesitation. It is definitely needed there now," said Oleksiy Chernyshov, CEO of Naftogaz.

The installation of cogeneration units and modular boiler houses is one of the approaches used by Kharkiv to overcome the consequences of constant Russian shelling. This will help ensure the "island" heat supply, energy security and energy efficiency, which is especially important for preparing for the next heating season.

Recently, Naftogaz also donated powerful generators to supply hospitals in Kharkiv Region. 

  • Since March, massive Russian attacks on energy facilities have resumed. In particular, Burshtyn, Ladyzhyn, Trypillya thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants were damaged. The damage caused by Russian shelling of the Kurakhove TPP has reached almost one billion hryvnyas.
  • On 22 March, a Russian attack destroyed Zmiyiv TPP, which is the largest power plant in Kharkiv Region and one of the largest in Ukraine.
  • In May, the government allocated UAH 1.5 billion to restore the Trypillya and Zmiyiv thermal power plants. It was reported that the funds were taken from the state budget reserve fund. 
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