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Manufacturer of CAESAR self-propelled howitzer establishes subsidiary in Ukraine

Military equipment and ammunition will be produced on Ukrainian territory.

Manufacturer of CAESAR self-propelled howitzer establishes subsidiary in Ukraine
Photo: Joint Defence Forces

The Franco-German arms group KNDS, which produces the Caesar self-propelled howitzer system, has announced the establishment of a subsidiary in Ukraine, BFM TV reports.

The agreements were finalised in the presence of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is on a visit to France. Two declarations of intent (one on the creation of a Caesar service centre and the other on 3D printing of spare parts) were signed by representatives of KNDS France and the Ukrainian company ENMEK. They also signed a contract for the transfer of licensed production of 155-mm shells to Ukraine.

Back in March, the French and German defence ministers announced that the company would produce military equipment and ammunition in Ukraine.

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