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Szijjártó says Hungary to no longer block start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to EU

Hungarian demands on the rights of national minorities have been included in the document that will be used to negotiate Ukraine's European integration. 

Szijjártó says Hungary to no longer block start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to EU
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó
Photo: Facebook/Szijjártó Péter

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has said that the framework document that will be used for EU-Ukraine accession talks has included Hungarian demands on the rights of national minorities.

The head of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry wrote about this on Facebook.

"After heated discussions this evening in Brussels, an agreement was reached: all Hungarian conditions are included in the framework document for negotiations with Ukraine. So now we also have a document from Brussels stating that Ukraine must return the rights taken away from the Transcarpathian Hungarians in recent years," he wrote. 

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