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German company to provide Ukraine with Frankenstein tanks to combat missiles, drones

The Leopard 1 tanks were fitted with a modern Skyranger anti-aircraft system. 

German company to provide Ukraine with Frankenstein tanks to combat missiles, drones
Photo: Rheinmetall Company

Rheinmetall will supply Ukraine with upgraded Frankenstein tanks designed to combat missiles and drones, The Telegraph reports.

Rheinmetall has announced that it has installed a modern Skyranger anti-aircraft system on Leopard 1 hulls. These weapons systems are capable of countering short-range threats (drones and artillery fire).

Rheinmetall's Head of Ground Systems, Bjorn Bernhard, noted that there are still many Leopard 1 main battle tanks that could be fitted with the Skyranger with a 35 mm automatic cannon.

The German company has only recently developed the Skyranger. The system is interesting because it has sophisticated sensors with a 360-degree field of view. 

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