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All night long, Russians shelled residential areas of Kherson; Hospital, ambulances are also damaged

A 44-year-old woman from Kherson was wounded in her own home.

All night long, Russians shelled residential areas of Kherson; Hospital, ambulances are also damaged
screenshot of the video
Photo: Facebook / Oleksandr Prokudin

Russian occupation troops shelled residential areas of Kherson all night, according to Oleksandr Prokudin, head of the Regional Military Administration.

"They were hitting people's homes. In some places, fires broke out at the sites of the strikes, which were quickly extinguished by firefighters. "They also hit one of the hospitals, damaging the garage, two ambulances and windows in one of the medical buildings," Prokudin said. 

According to him, a 44-year-old Kherson woman was injured in her own home. She was taken to hospital with minor injuries, where she was diagnosed with a shrapnel wound to the abdomen. 

Prokudin also posted a video of what the city looks like after the night of Russian terror.

It should be noted that at night, air defence forces shot down 19 out of 21 Russian shaheds. The drones were shot down in Kherson, Mykolayiv, Dnipro, Kirovohrad, Khmelnytskyy and Lviv Regions.

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