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Damage to Lviv, its suburbs exceeds ₴20m; one of wounded is in serious condition

Another office building and private houses were also damaged.

Damage to Lviv, its suburbs exceeds ₴20m; one of wounded is in serious condition
Andriy Sadovyy
Photo: screenshot

A 70-year-old security guard wounded in a Russian strike on the outskirts of Lviv is currently in hospital. He was diagnosed with fractures and shrapnel wounds, Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyy said during a telethon.

His prognosis is positive, but he is in serious condition. Another wounded man suffered lighter injuries - cuts.

"In general, there is a lot of destruction. The office building of the research institute, which is subordinated to the State Food Service, was actually destroyed," said the Lviv mayor.

The damage is huge - more than 20 million hryvnias.

Destruction of the Institute building
Photo: Andriy Sadovyy on Telegram
Destruction of the Institute building

In addition, another office building was destroyed. Luckily, there were no employees there, although sometimes they come to work in the third shift.

"Private sector - 15 houses - windows were blown out, doors twisted. A multi-storey building - windows were also blown out," said the mayor.

The city is starting to pay compensation: up to UAH 12,000 for each destroyed window and up to UAH 8,000 for a door. In addition, two private companies that suffered losses will receive a certificate for 500,000. 

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