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KCSA: Four houses declared emergency as result of missile attack on Kyiv on 8 July, 37 people apply for temporary accommodation

The city authorities have already provided temporary housing for 21 residents of the affected buildings. 

Houses on Kolomyyskyy Lane in Holosiyivskyy district, which suffered from the attack on 8 July
Photo: Lesya Padalka
Houses on Kolomyyskyy Lane in Holosiyivskyy district, which suffered from the attack on 8 July
Four residential buildings in the Shevchenkivskyy and Holosiyivskyy districts of Kyiv have been declared emergency after being hit during a massive missile attack on Kyiv on 8 July. 37 residents of these buildings have been identified as being in need of temporary accommodation. This was reported by the Department of Construction and Housing of the Kyiv City State Administration at LB's request. 

As a result of the missile attack on 8 July, two houses on Salskyy Street in the Shevchenkivskyy district of Kyiv, as well as several houses in Kolomyyskyy Lane in the Holosiyivskyy district, were heavily damaged. 

"Kyivexpertise conducted an inspection of the buildings at 19 Volodymyr Salskyy Street, 21 Volodymyr Salsky Street, 8 Kolomyyskyy Lane and 10 Kolomyyskyy Lane. Based on the results of the inspection and a generalised assessment of the technical condition of the main structural elements and internal utilities, the technical condition of these buildings as objects in general was recognised as emergency (category of technical condition "4")," the KCSA said.

The survey revealed defects and damage that reduce the strength, stability and rigidity of building structures, as well as the performance of engineering networks and systems of facilities, the department noted. Therefore, the next step will be to conduct instrumental studies and verification calculations to determine whether it is advisable to restore the destroyed structural elements of buildings.

In July, Kyivexpertise announced tenders for such instrumental surveys. According to the data published on Prozorro, none of the four tenders for these buildings has yet been awarded. 
The department also reported that they, together with the Shevchenkivskyy and Holosiyivskyy District State Administrations and the municipal enterprise "Financial Company "Zhytlo-Invest", are providing housing for residents of these buildings. In the Shevchenkivskyy district, 26 people were included in the list of residents in need of temporary housing. In Holosiyivskyy district - 11 people. The proposed temporary accommodation was accepted by 13 people from Salskoho Street and 8 people from Kolomyyskoho Lane. 

According to LB, the affected residents are offered to live in a new building on Maksymovycha Street (Holosiyivskyy district), where apartments belong to the Financial Company Zhytlo-Invest. The apartments are newly built, renovated and unfurnished. The housing is provided on a temporary basis and free of charge. 

As a reminder, a massive missile attack on Kyiv on 8 July killed 33 people and damaged about 100 buildings.

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