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Ukrainian Yevhen Monastyryov sentenced to 11 years in prison for espionage in Russia

Russia accuses him of transferring data on critical infrastructure. 

Ukrainian Yevhen Monastyryov sentenced to 11 years in prison for espionage in Russia
Photo: Suspilne screenshot

A Russian court has sentenced Ukrainian Yevhen Monastyryov to 11 years in prison for 'espionage', the press service of the Krasnodar Region courts reported. The sentence was passed by the Krasnodar Regional Court. 

Russia accuses the Ukrainian citizen, who lived in the Krasnodar Region, of spying for Ukraine from January to November 2022. According to the aggressor country's investigators, Monastyryov took photographs of critical infrastructure and passed them on to the Ukrainian army. 

The man was sentenced to serve his sentence in a maximum security colony. 

  • Both before and after the full-scale war, the Russian authorities arrested and convicted Ukrainian citizens for fictitious crimes. Repressions are taking place not only in the Russian territory, but also in the occupied territory, in particular in Crimea.
  • Recently, another Ukrainian, Oleksiy Yefimenko, was convicted in Russia for "espionage". He was sentenced to seven years in a strict regime colony.
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