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Defence Ministry approves Concept of military-patriotic education

The new concept is the first step in the process of creating a modern system of military and patriotic education.

Defence Ministry approves Concept of military-patriotic education
Photo: Defence Ministry

The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine has developed the Concept of Military and Patriotic Education in the Ministry of Defence, which aims to significantly affect the motivation of military personnel and potential recruits. This was reported by the Ministry's press service. 

The new Concept, which was the first step in the process of creating a modern system of military-patriotic education, was approved by the order of the Ministry of Defence No. 554/nm of 14.08.2024.

‘Approval of the Concept is only the first step in creating a modern and effective system of military-patriotic education. It will be the basis for a number of regulatory documents, including the relevant strategy,’ said Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine Nataliyia Kalmykova. 

She noted that military-patriotic education should become a powerful tool for motivating servicemen and those considering joining the army. In addition, the implementation of the concept will help create the appropriate social and cultural infrastructure. 

‘We should not use outdated approaches. On the contrary, our benchmark is progressive experience and the creation of a truly working system of military-patriotic education,’ Kalmykova said.

For example, the Ministry is responsible for developing guidelines for the implementation of the MoD strategy of military-patriotic education. In addition, the MoD is responsible for organising military-patriotic education programmes and supervising their implementation by military command and control bodies.

At the same time, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is responsible for the military-patriotic education of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is responsible for planning and organising national-patriotic training and military-patriotic education activities, as well as involving personnel in them, including with a view to enhancing the prestige of military service.

The concept is available here.

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