About 70% of Ukrainians have a positive attitude towards the participation of veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war in politics and elections. Another 20% of citizens have a neutral attitude. Only 8% of Ukrainians have a negative or rather negative attitude to the political participation of veterans.
This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Razumkov Centre in cooperation with the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation at the request of the CHESNO Movement.

For example, more than 46% of Ukrainians aged 50 and older have a positive attitude towards veterans' participation in politics, while the figure for Ukrainians aged 18 to 29 is 37%. The gender of the respondents does not influence their attitude towards veterans' participation in politics.
Also, the level of education, earnings and employment of the respondents are not significant.
Regional differences are not significant, but they do exist. Thus, residents of the central regions have the highest level of positive attitude towards veterans' participation in politics and elections. The rate of negative attitudes is also the lowest here.
On the other hand, in the southern regions, 12% of respondents have a negative attitude towards the political participation of veterans, while in other regions this figure is 2-4%. Nevertheless, positive attitudes prevail in all regions.Among Ukrainians who consider Russian their native language, neutral or negative attitudes prevail. About 46% of respondents have a positive or rather positive attitude to the participation of veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war in politics, while among citizens who chose Ukrainian as their native language, this figure is 69%.

At the same time, the language spoken at home does not significantly affect the attitude of Ukrainians towards the political participation of veterans. About 40% of respondents express a positive attitude, while the rate of neutral and negative attitudes is higher among Russian-speaking Ukrainians.