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Zelenskyy: Victory Plan is bridge to Peace Summit, to any stage of ending war

The Victory Plan envisages quick and clear steps by our strategic partners by the end of December. 

Zelenskyy: Victory Plan is bridge to Peace Summit, to any stage of ending war
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Photo: OPU

The Victory Plan to be presented to Ukraine's partners will be ready in early November. The plan provides for quick and concrete steps of Ukraine's strategic partners by the end of December.

The President made this statement during a conversation with journalists in Kyiv, reports.

"Some countries have different ideas and initiatives on how to end the war. But for Ukraine, it is first and foremost important that it be fair, because the war is going on in our country, on our territory. We need a just and stable peace," Zelenskyy said. 

The President stressed that no Minsk-3 can be discussed, because in a few years the war will return to Ukraine from the Russian Federation and with an even greater wave. "We cannot allow this to happen."

"At a certain stage, we were able to propose a Peace Formula in order to take the initiative into our own hands. At the same time, a Chinese-Brazilian or Brazilian-Chinese initiative appeared, which we analysed in detail and discussed with some partners. Is this a real initiative or is it just a political icebreaker against any diplomatic solution in favour of the fairness of the UN Charter?" the President adds. 

According to Zelenskyy, "this is an icebreaker, on the one hand, and on the other hand, Russia benefits from it."

"I do not believe that this is a specific plan, because I do not see any specific actions and steps there, but only a certain generalisation of processes. Any generalisation always hides something," he adds. 

The President emphasises that Ukraine has already held the first inaugural Peace Summit, which was organised to openly discuss any proposals and initiatives for peace. 

"We said that we are ready to see Russia at the second Summit, because all our allies, including our closest ones, who are on our side and always against Russian aggression, all said that Russia should be at the second Summit. Because Russia is at war against Ukraine. There can be no end to the war without one of the parties," Zelenskyy adds. 

Currently, Ukraine is actively working on the Victory Plan, and three points have already been prepared, as well as online meetings.

"There will be more meetings offline and online. And, as we said in early November, the entire plan will be ready. This will be the start and the foundation for talking in any format with Russia. In any format, with any of its representatives, because there will be a plan and something to show. If they don't like it, their reaction to the specifics will be clear, not just in general - we don't want anything and will continue the war. Although I think that's exactly what they want today, just to continue," the head of state said.

According to Zelenskyy, the Victory Plan provides for quick and concrete steps by our strategic partners - from now until the end of December. 

"Specific actions that depend solely on the partners, and no one will tell me that it depends on the Russian side. The plan is simply a bridge to the Peace Summit and to any stage of ending the war. A bridge that strengthens Ukraine. It strengthens it politically, in terms of weapons, and in terms of understanding what our future will be like after the war," the President emphasises.

The Victory Plan, according to Zelenskyy, will be presented to President Biden, US presidential candidates and all other partners. 

"In my opinion, the plan will be open to everyone, including societies in different countries. And Russia should see it. Because this plan strengthens Ukraine. And they should know about it," he concludes. 

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