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Half of road budget for debts: Marchenko explains amount allocated for road fund in draft budget

The other half will be spent directly on road maintenance and repair. 

Half of road budget for debts: Marchenko explains amount allocated for road fund in draft budget
Serhiy Marchenko, Head of the Ministry of Finance
Photo: Maks Trebukhov

Minister of Finance Serhiy Marchenko explained why the draft budget for next year includes UAH 43.2 billion for the road fund. According to him, half of this amount is earmarked for debt service. The second part is for road maintenance and repair.

Marchenko said that it is "uncomfortable" to repair and maintain roads at the expense of the reserve fund. He added that road repairs are needed, especially in frontline regions where wounded soldiers are transported.

"As the Ministry of Finance, we are more comfortable with a fair distribution. We need to understand the prioritisation of roads and the body responsible for this - the Road Fund. That is why we are partially restoring it in the budget for the 2025," the Minister said. 

  • The largest amount in the draft budget for next year is allocated for defence - UAH 2.2 trillion. Money was also allocated for the road fund, which caused outrage among opposition politicians. 
  • This year, the revenues to the road fund were transferred to the general budget to spend on defence. 
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