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Tax hike and a new social contract: Report from the New Country meeting

The panelists discussed what the tax changes will entail in the relations between the state and business. 

Tax Hike and the New Social Contract was the topic of the third discussion panel of the second season of the joint project of and EFI Group New Country. This time, the discussion focused on the sensitive topic of tax hike and fairness, ways to fill the budget, alternatives to raising the military tax, systemic reforms and de-shadowing the economy. And the consequences of tax changes in general.

Photo: Maks Trebukhov

The speakers of the discussion panel were:

  • Serhiy Marchenko, Head of the Ministry of Finance; 

Serhiy Marchenko, Head of the Ministry of Finance
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Serhiy Marchenko, Head of the Ministry of Finance

  • Kateryna Rozhkova, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine;

Kateryna Rozhkova, Deputy Head of the National Bank of Ukraine
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Kateryna Rozhkova, Deputy Head of the National Bank of Ukraine

  • Andriy Dlihach, Head of the international business community Board, professor of economics, founder of the Advanter Group;

Andriy Dlihach, head of the international business community Board, professor of economics, founder of the Advanter Group
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Andriy Dlihach, head of the international business community Board, professor of economics, founder of the Advanter Group

  • Ihor Liski, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the investment company EFI Group.
    Ihor Liski, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Investment Company EFI Group
    Photo: Maks Trebukhov
    Ihor Liski, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Investment Company EFI Group

Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko admits that the tax increase is a necessary step, and the government is well aware of the impact it will have on business, but "other options have already been exhausted."

Serhiy Marchenko and Kateryna Rozhkova
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Serhiy Marchenko and Kateryna Rozhkova

"We need to survive in the short term. Our plans for taxes and accumulation are driven by the fact that the country now has one specific problem that needs to be solved - security. All other problems are secondary," the minister said.

Editor-in-chief of Sonia Koshkina
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Editor-in-chief of Sonia Koshkina

The government's approach was criticised by Andriy Dlihach, professor of economics and founder of the Advanter Group. In his opinion, the increase in the military tax from 1.5% to 5% will lead to an even greater shadowing of the economy. "35% of salaries are in the shadows. ...This 35% turns into 44% with the increase in the military tax. Why? Because this is behavioural economics. The current burden on the wage bill is 34%. As it increases, certain limits are crossed, and there is a greater interest in shadowing part of the salary," says Dlihach, noting that the state has enough tools in its arsenal to fill the budget in the short and long term. For example, a 2% increase in VAT instead of the military fee. Then it will affect the whole society, not just those who receive official salaries.

Andriy Dlihach
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Andriy Dlihach

Guests of the discussion
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Guests of the discussion

On the other hand, businessman Ihor Liski supports the increase in the military tax. He, like Serhiy Marchenko, believes that this is dictated by the circumstances of the war. 

"The story is simple. The issue is that in this short-term period we need to mobilise and raise funds. Otherwise, we will have another discussion later: in which country will we and our children be begging for something as homeless people. We need to mobilise these resources. And this discussion is lacking on how to do it properly," Liski believes.

During the discussion
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
During the discussion

Kateryna Rozhkova, Deputy Governor of the NBU, also criticised the increase in taxation for commercial banks (up to 50%), despite her general support for tax optimisation. "Today, the banking sector already pays tax at a higher rate, with a 25% corporate income tax. The vast majority of the banking sector has transparent reporting and white salaries. ...And if the banking business today pays all taxes consciously, transparently and honestly, this is not a reason to punish it further," Rozhkova says. In her opinion, the de-shadowing of the economy is part of a new social contract, as it requires, among other things, that society abandon the consumption of grey services, such as buying cheaper iPhones or paying a restaurant bill with two receipts.

Kateryna Rozhkova, Deputy Head of the National Bank of Ukraine
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Kateryna Rozhkova, Deputy Head of the National Bank of Ukraine

The tax changes caused a lively discussion both among the main speakers and among the guests of the event. Their detailed performances will be published on soon.

Guest of the discussion, former head of the State Customs Service Maksym Nefyodov
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Guest of the discussion, former head of the State Customs Service Maksym Nefyodov

 Former head of Naftogaz Andriy Kobolev (left)
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Former head of Naftogaz Andriy Kobolev (left)

Hennady Zubko
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Hennady Zubko

Hlib Vyshlynskyy, Head of the Centre for Economic Strategy
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Hlib Vyshlynskyy, Head of the Centre for Economic Strategy

Tetyana Ostrikova
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Tetyana Ostrikova

MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak

Photo: Maks Trebukhov

MP, Chairman of the Medical Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Mykhaylo Radutskyy
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
MP, Chairman of the Medical Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Mykhaylo Radutskyy

Valeriy Pekar
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Valeriy Pekar

President of the Investment Group Univer
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
President of the Investment Group Univer

Guests of the New Country
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Guests of the New Country

Editor-in-chief of Sonya Koshkina
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Editor-in-chief of Sonya Koshkina

MP Nina Yuzhanina
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
MP Nina Yuzhanina

Ihor Burakovskyy, Institute of Economic Research
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Ihor Burakovskyy, Institute of Economic Research

MP Halyna Yanchenko
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
MP Halyna Yanchenko

Founder and CEO of the group of companies Paramedic and head of the NGO National Council for Health and Safety Mykyta Karpenko
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Founder and CEO of the group of companies Paramedic and head of the NGO National Council for Health and Safety Mykyta Karpenko

Joint photo after the discussion
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Joint photo after the discussion

Sonya Koshkina and Ihor Liski
Photo: Maks Trebukhov
Sonya Koshkina and Ihor Liski

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