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PACE recognises Holodomor as genocide of Ukrainian people, draws parallel with Russia's actions today

The systematic destruction of political and cultural leaders, and then millions of ordinary Ukrainians, was deliberately conceived as genocide. Today, Ukraine again faces the threat of genocide.

PACE recognises Holodomor as genocide of Ukrainian people, draws parallel with Russia's actions today
PACE (archive photo)

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has recognised the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine as genocide of the Ukrainian people. This was announced by Yevheniya Kravchuk, a member of the Verkhovna Rada's permanent delegation to PACE. 

‘The resolution ‘Commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor - Ukraine is again facing the threat of genocide’ has just been unanimously adopted in PACE. 80 votes in favour!’ she wrote on Facebook.

The document states that the former leadership of the USSR deliberately implemented policies that led to the famine in Ukraine, ‘seeking to completely suppress any Ukrainian resistance to the totalitarian communist regime, subjugate the Ukrainian people and destroy their aspirations and efforts to establish an independent Ukrainian state.’ 

‘Just as the armed forces of the Russian Federation do today, the Stalinist regime in 1932-1933 committed criminal acts on Ukrainian territory against the civilian population, with the obvious intention of destroying, in whole or in part, the Ukrainian people as a separate national community,’ the resolution says. 

PACE resolution
Photo: Yevheniya Kravchuk
PACE resolution
The PACE resolution also states that the systematic destruction of first the political and cultural leaders who were the cultural foundation of the Ukrainian nation, and then millions of ordinary Ukrainians, was deliberately intended as genocide. 

Kravchuk stressed that the resolution focuses on the current genocidal attack by Russia. ‘Just as in the 1930s, Russia is again using food as a weapon, not only against Ukraine, but also to exacerbate global food insecurity. The Russians are blocking and threatening ships in the Black Sea, and are also interfering with grain shipments to Africa and other regions. Ukrainian farmers face a serious shortage of resources, while Russian forces have deliberately bombed farmland, mined fields and destroyed agricultural infrastructure. The Kakhovka dam disaster alone caused $387.71 million in damage, depriving nearly 600,000 hectares of farmland of irrigation.

‘Therefore, the Assembly recognised the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine as genocide of the Ukrainian people and calls on all national parliaments that have not yet done so to do the same!’ Kravchuk added.

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