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Register of Losses starts accepting applications for death of close family member

The close relatives of the deceased person or other family members can submit an application through the Diia web portal.

Register of Losses starts accepting applications for death of close family member
Illustrative photo
Photo: Telegram/Volodymyr Zelenskyy

The International Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine has started accepting applications for another category — the death of a close family member. This was reported by the Office of the President. 

Close relatives of the deceased person or other family members who have legal grounds and can confirm this can submit an application through the Diia web portal.

The category applies not only to those who died since 24 February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine, but also to those who died outside the country if it happened as a result of Russian aggression.

The first category for which applications were accepted in April last year was damage or destruction of housing. Work is now underway to open the remaining categories.

In total, the Register will accept applications for more than 40 categories of damage. These include deaths, torture, sexual violence, bodily injury, forced displacement and resettlement, loss of property and income, damage to critical infrastructure and other government facilities, as well as damage to historical and cultural heritage and the environment.

  • On 2 April, the International Register of Losses was launched, and in May, the Diia portal opened the possibility of filing an application. The service is available both on the website and in the app. 
  • The Register of Damages Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is a system for recording applications submitted by individuals and legal entities and the state of Ukraine for compensation for losses, damages and damage caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The Register will also store evidence to substantiate these claims.
  • Acceptable applications are entered into the Register for further consideration and evaluation.
  • The Registry is not a court, tribunal, compensation commission or compensation fund. It will not review the claims submitted to it, assess their merits, or make any payments. These functions will be performed by an international compensation mechanism to be established in the future. Work has already begun on the establishment of the compensation mechanism, and the Registry's mandate includes facilitating this work.
  • Once the compensation mechanism is established, the work of the Registry will continue under the new structure, and all applications and evidence submitted to it will be transferred to it.
  • In July last year, the government simplified the procedure for filing claims for compensation for losses, damages or injuries caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. At that time, it was announced that 12 categories of claims would be opened for submission. 
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