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SBU long-range drones hit missile depot, gas stations in Russia

According to sources, the attack weakened Russia’s ability to finance the war. 

Security Service drones have struck two gas compressor stations and a warehouse storing missiles for S-300/S-400 systems on Russian territory. The attack was carried out recently, sources told

According to a source, long-range drones of the Security Service hit the Davidovskaya gas compressor station (Tambov Region) and the Novopetrovskaya gas compressor station (Saratov Region). A video shows drones striking industrial equipment at the stations, followed by powerful explosions.

SBU drones also hit a field depot storing missiles for S-300/S-400 systems near the village of Radkovka (Belgorod Region). The strike triggered an active detonation of ammunition.

“The SBU conducted another successful special operation on enemy territory, causing significant losses to the Russian budget, weakening its ability to finance the war against Ukraine, and reducing the military potential of the Russian army,” an informed SBU source said. 

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