The entry of Ukraine into the European Union is supported by 55 per cent of Ukrainians and 47 per cent are willing to become NATO members, which is evident from the survey carried out by Gorshenin Institute in mid February. Its results were published on Friday, 11 March 2016.
The number of respondents having spoken for Ukraine’s integration into the European Union comprised 55.2 per cent, where 12.7 per cent of the surveyed support close cooperation with the Customs Union. Other 23.3 per cent of respondents spoke against the integration both with the EU and the Customs Union, another 8.8 per cent did not know what to answer.
Last year, EU integration supporters included 62,2 per cent of the surveyed.
If there was a referendum on Ukraine’s membership in NATO, 47.1 per cent of Ukrainians would say "yes" and 35.3 per cent would say "no", 11.6 per cent would not know the answer, the rest would not come to the referendum.
Compared with the last year, the number of NATO membership supporters has also decreased.
The survey was carried out from 8 to 17 February. The total number of the respondents comprised 2000 people living in all regions of Ukraine (excluding the population in the occupied territories of Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions). The quotas included an area of residence, gender and age of respondents. The margin of error does not exceed +/-2.2 per cent.