The State Emergency Service in their Telegram reported that on 28 February, Russian troops mercilessly shelled Chernihiv. As of 12:20, the enemy fired for more than 20 minutes on the Belov, Rokosovsky, Dotsenko and Pukhov streets.

"Private and multi-storey residential buildings can be found where the shelling took place. There was a fire where the hypermarket Epicenter is located," the statement said.

According to "Suspilne. Chernihiv" the "Epicenter" building caught fire, as well as five buildings nearby.

Earlier, about 02:45 on Monday, a rocket hit apartments in the centre of Chernihiv. A fire broke out in the block; two lower floors are on fire. One woman was injured. In addition, Russian troops hit a building at the central market on street Rynkova, 1 and the kindergarten on street Remisnycha, 53.
Chernihiv Mayor Vladyslav Atroshenko recorded an appeal to citizens. He called for help in defending the city by organizing the delivery of food and medicine. If you can help please contact the regional hospital and hub hospital №2. The military also needs hygiene products and hot food.