Ukraine recalls its ambassador from Kyrgyzstan and Georgia. This decision was made due to the justification of aggression against Ukraine by Kyrgyzstan and the creation of obstructions for volunteers who want to help by Georgia.
This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during his brief.
As for our diplomats. Our diplomats are just now making fair and absolutely necessary decisions regarding those states that have betrayed their word and international law. We immediately recall the Ambassador from Kyrgyzstan for consultations. For justifying aggression against Ukraine. We immediately recall the ambassador from Georgia. For the obstacles for volunteers who want to help us. For the immoral position on sanctions, "the president said.
As of yesterday, several thousand foreigners joined the resistance to the Putin regime. To enroll in the International Legion and for all details, please contact the Military Attache of the Embassy of Ukraine in your country. Contact information can be found on the embassy website.