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The https protocol will not work in Russia and Belarus - Fedorov

Security certificates for Russian and Belarusian sites will no longer be issued.

The https protocol will not work in Russia and Belarus - Fedorov

The leading companies that issue SSL and TLS security certificates for websites - GeoTrust, Sectigo, DigiCert, Thawte, Rapid - have stopped working in the Russian Federation and Belarus market.

This was announced by Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

The presence of SSL and TLS security certificates for Internet sites (GeoTrust, Sectigo, DigiCert, Thawte, Rapid) means that resources are protected, and you can transfer your personal data there.

"For example, provide card details so that they are entered in automatic mode when you want to buy something," the minister explained.

Yes, the companies will no longer issue certificates for Russian and Belarusian sites and update existing ones. Accordingly, they will automatically become dangerous for all users, and browsers worldwide will block them. "This means the death of https in Russia," - summed up Fedorov.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the largest software companies, Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP, to stop supporting their products in Russia and stop the war.

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