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Lithuanian parliament proposes to declare May 9 as the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Genocide in Ukraine

Currently, the country celebrates Europe Day on this date.

Lithuanian parliament proposes to declare May 9 as the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Genocide in Ukraine
Photo: Photo: crimea.suspilne

The Lithuanian Seimas has registered an amendment proposing to make May 9 not only Europe Day but also the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Genocide in Ukraine, reports Delfi.

The amendment was registered by 16 deputies belonging to both the ruling and opposition parties. The main initiator of the project was the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of the Seimas Paulus Saudargas. Among the authors are Speaker Victoria Chmilite-Nielsen, Foreign Minister Linas Antanas Linkevičius and Minister of Justice Evelina Dobrovolska.

"Today, the world is witnessing genocide in Ukraine, committed by Putin's Russia, which is the reincarnation of the Soviet Union. This day would mark the atrocities inflicted on Ukrainians then and now, namely Holodomor organized by the Soviet Union, mass murders, deportations and exterminations, and the war crimes committed today by the Russian military," says an explanatory note.

The Latvian Seimas had already made such a decision and declared May 9 a day of remembrance for Ukrainians killed in the war against Russia. Mass events are banned in Latvia on this day.

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