US President Joe Biden visited the Lockheed Martin factory in Alabama that is manufacturing anti-tank Javelin missiles, informs CNN.
Speaking at the plant, the Head of the White House reminded that he called the Congress to allocate $33 billion in assistance for Ukraine.
“As I was saying from the beginning, this fight is not going to be cheap, but caving to aggression would even be more costly,” he said, adding: “To be the arsenal of the democracy also means a well-paid work for American workers in Alabama, in the states throughout America, where the defense equipment is produced”.

President Biden said that manufacturing each Javelin needs 200 semiconductors.
“I am full of confidence to assure that the United States keep this high technological position in the competition with other countries, especially with China, when we are moving ahead,” he said.
According to the White House information, the US sent over 5,000 Javelin missiles and other allies sent nearly 500 more to Ukraine.