Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has condemned the latest russian attack on Vinnytsya, which killed at least 20 people."Every day Russia destroys civilians, kills Ukrainian children, directs missiles at civilian sites. Where there is nothing military. What is this if not an overt act of terrorism? Non-humans. A murderous country. A terrorist country," he said on Telegram.Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba tweeted, for his part: "While Accountability Conference in The Hague is underway led by @WBHoekstra, Russia commits another war crime. At least one child killed, among other victims of a missile strike on Vinnytsia. We will put Russian war criminals on trial for every drop of Ukrainian blood and tears."
Ukraine president condemns Vinnytsya attack by "terrorist state"
Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called it a war crime.

Aftermath of the russian strike on Vinnytsya