PMC Wagner began to massively recruit in Russian penitentiaries prisoners suffering from serious infectious diseases, in particular, HIV and hepatitis C, the website of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine reports.
According to intelligence, the phenomenon has already become widespread. Thus, only from one correctional colony №5 in the village of Metallostroy, Leningrad Region, the company hired more than a hundred prisoners with a confirmed diagnosis of "HIV" or "hepatitis C".

To "mark" infected militants, the command of Wagner forces them to wear bracelets: red - in case of HIV, white - in case of hepatitis.
"There is a growing resentment of this situation among other militants who are forced to serve alongside the infected. It is known that Russian doctors systematically refuse to assist the wounded with hepatitis or HIV," the statement said.
Captured militants with HIV and hepatitis have already been found in Ukraine. They confirm the information about the mass "recruitment" of infected prisoners to the Wagner company.