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SBI completes pre-trial investigation into judge Tandyr

Examinations confirmed the alcohol content in the samples. 

SBI completes pre-trial investigation into judge Tandyr
Oleksiy Tandyr

The State Bureau of Investigation has completed a pre-trial investigation into a judge who caused a fatal road accident at a checkpoint in Kyiv while driving a car. The accident killed a 23-year-old serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine, states the SBI website.

The criminal case file is currently open for review by the defence.

The SBI noted that 18 examinations were conducted, including forensic, chemical, technical and other.

"As the judge has special professional knowledge, methods and extensive judicial practice in dealing with road safety offences, he attempted to distort the contents of the biological samples during the collection of the samples in order to conceal the state of intoxication. Nevertheless, forensic examinations confirmed the alcohol content of the samples provided. The state of intoxication was also confirmed by the conclusions of other examinations. According to the results of automotive, trace and technical examinations, violations of traffic rules, failure to comply with road signs and significant speeding at the time of the collision were proved," the SBI reported.

The judge is suspected of violating the rules of road safety while being intoxicated, which caused the death of the victim (Part 3 of Article 286-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 10 years.

Tragedy happened in Kyiv on the night of 26 May. The accident happened at the beginning of the curfew, when the National Guard servicemen was setting up barriers on the road. The head of the Makariv district court tried to convince that it was not he who was driving, but the driver who fled into the bushes.

Later, the court granted the request of the prosecutor's office and the permission for the collection of biological samples from the judge. The Supreme Council of Justice (SCJ) authorised Tandyr's detention.

SCJ also suspended him from performing his duties

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