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DIU downs latest Su-57 on territory of Russia for first time

The Su-57 is Russia's most advanced fighter jet capable of using X-59 and X-69 missiles for strikes. 

DIU downs latest Su-57 on territory of Russia for first time
Satellite images of the Akhtubinsk airfield in the Astrakhan Region of the Russian Federation
Photo: DIU

For the first time in history, Ukraine's intelligence agencies have shot down a Russian Su-57 fighter jet at the Akhtubinsk airfield in Astrakhan Region. 

This was reported by the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine with reference to satellite images of the aircraft's parking at the airfield.

"On 8 June 2024, a Su-57 multi-purpose fighter jet of the aggressor state was shot down at the Akhtubinsk airfield in the Astrakhan Region of the Russian Federation, located 589 kilometres from the line of contact," the statement said.

The images show that on 7 June, the Su-57 was still intact, but on 8 June, craters from the explosion and the characteristic fire spots caused by the fire damage appeared near it.

The Su-57 is Russia's most advanced fighter jet, capable of using X-59 and X-69 missiles for strikes. The Russian Aerospace Forces have only a handful of these combat aircraft in service.

The defeat of the Su-57 is the first such case in history, according to intelligence. 

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