The Security Service of Ukraine has reported preventing illegal alienation of land estimatedly worth two billion hryvnia by the officials of the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (StateGeoCadastre) in Kyiv Region.
"A probe revealed that SGC officials through straw persons have withdrawn from state ownership over eight hundred land plots with total area of more than 1,600 hectares in different districts of Kyiv Region. The estimated market value of the land runs into 1.9bn hryvnia," the SBU said in a release on 16 January.
The searches at the offices of regional SGC department, private notaries and offices of land management agencies lead to seizure of documents and other evidence of shady land transactions.
The SBU asked a court to arrest eight hundred plots, misappropriated by crooked land officials.
Criminal proceedings have been launched on misappropriation and embezzlement charges.