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Photo of Ukraine's new self-propelled gun Bogdana published

It will be a feature of the Independence Day parade.

Presidential adviser Yuriy Biryukov has published a Facebook photo of a new Ukrainian self-propelled gun, Bogdana. It includes a 155-mm cannon mounted on the KrAZ 6x6 chassis with an armoured cabin.

Its high-explosive fragmentation projectile can fly for over 40 km and a rocket one for over 50 km, Biryukov said.

Bogdana will be a feature of the Independence Day military parade in Kyiv on 24 August.

"It is important that is highly mobile, accurate, has a long range and a high firing speed," the secretary of the National Security and Defence Council, Oleksandr Turchynov, said. In his words, it can hit a target at 60 km.

He also noted that it has a 155-mm calibre used by NATO.

"Our Armed Forces have not had this calibre. Neither had the Soviet or modern Russian army. The weapon has a very good girl's name, Bogdana. I would suggest Ukraine's enemies remember it well," he said.

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