Russian media reported that Roskomnadzor demands that Telegram removes Internet resources, including bots, which provide information about the Russian Armed Forces servicemen who died or were taken prisoner during hostilities in Ukraine.
"Roskomnadzor detects Internet resources, including Telegram bots, which offer information about servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces who are allegedly on the list of prisoners or victims of a special operation in Ukraine. Roskomnadzor sent Telegram requests to remove detected Internet resources", writes TASS.
The agency noted that Roskomnadzor has already sent information on creating such resources to the investigative bodies "to bring the perpetrators to justice."
"Roskomnadzor warns against providing or disseminating information on the Internet about your relatives and friends who are serving in the military," the Russian agency said.
Earlier, the SSU urged Ukrainians to report enemy troops and equipment in the official chatbot @stop_russian_war_bot.
Early in the morning of 24 February, Russia attacked Ukraine. Russian troops are shelling residential neighbourhoods throughout our country. Russia is blocking its citizens' access to truthful information: it is blocking Ukrainian websites that publish photos and videos of killed and captured Russian servicemen.
At the same time, the Russian authorities are doing nothing to allow Russian mothers to return their dead sons home.
The Russian media also forbade calling the war with Ukraine a "war". Instead of it, they use the term a "special operation."