In the battle with Russian occupiers for Hostomel, the Hero of Ukraine, honorary citizen of Bediansk, Major Valeriy Chybineev, had died. He was 34 years old. This was reported by the press center of Berdiansk City Council.
Valeriy Chybineev grew up in Berdiansk orphanage.
From the first days of Russian aggression in the East of Ukraine until the last day, he was protecting the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine.
For courage, heroism, and high professionalism shown in defending the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state, loyalty to the military oath by the Decree of the President of Ukraine №348 / 2016 of August 23, 2016 commander of the airborne-attack unit Valery Viktorovich was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine with the “Golden Star” Order."He fought like a hero and died as a hero. On behalf of all Berdiansk, we express our condolences to the family and relatives of Valeriy. We are grateful to him for glorifying our city and defending our Ukraine and all of us. Eternal glory to the Hero!" said in the Berdiansk City Council.
On March 3, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy awarded a rank of the Hero of Ukraine to 15 defenders against the aggression of Russia, to nine - posthumously.
On March 2, Zelenskyy awarded 12 defenders of Ukraine against Russian aggression, six of them posthumously.