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The U.S. Secretary of Defense: Russian hypersonic missiles not ‘a game changer’

Russia uses next-generation weaponry to blackmail Ukraine.

The U.S. Secretary of Defense: Russian hypersonic missiles not ‘a game changer’

Russia’s claim it used a hypersonic missile in Ukraine was a way to reclaim war momentum, but this weaponry has not proved to be a “game changer,”. Such an opinion was voiced by the Pentagon’s chief Lloyd Austin, Times of Israel says.

Moscow has said it has fired two hypersonic missiles in Ukraine. Austin said he won’t confirm or dispute whether Russia used such weapons, but he warns that Putin’s invasion is undergoing a change in tactics including the targeting of civilians.

Russia’s use of the hard-to-intercept hypersonics would mark a dramatic escalation of its campaign to force Ukraine to abandon hopes of closer ties with the West.

But “I would not see it as a game changer,” Austin tells CBS.

He also said russians will continue to attack civilians. 

On 19 March russian ministry of defense has said that russian militaries used hypersonic Kinzhal missiles to destroy the UAF underground weapons depot. 

The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal is a russian hypersonic aero-ballistic air-to-surface missile. After the testing, it has entered service, and on 1 December 2017, it was on experimental combat duty on the airdromes of the southern military district of Russia. 

The dimensions and appearance of Kinzhal are similar to ballistic missiles Iskander.

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