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Extensive entry on Ruscism added to Wikipedia

The article has already been translated into 26 languages. There is no russian version.

Extensive entry on Ruscism added to Wikipedia

A large article about Ruscism [Russia+fascism] has appeared on Wikipedia. It explains the origin of the term, the history of its origin, the main features and characteristics, the ideology of rashism, its components and functions. It also describes the symbolism of rashism and its carriers - rashists.

Wikipedia defines Ruscism or Rashism as a kind of totalitarian, fascist ideology, a symbiosis of the basic principles of fascism and Stalinism. According to the authors, this is the basis of russia's barbaric geopolitics aimed at the occupation and annexation of other states, often marked with the stamp of "returning russian lands" and based on local collaborationism and support of russia's fifth column.

"Ruscism, or russian fascism - political ideology and social practice of russian regime of late XX, early XXI century, based on ideas of "special civilizational mission" of russians, "seniority of the fraternal nations", intolerance of cultural elements of other nations; on totalitarianism and imperialism of the Soviet type, the use of russian Orthodoxy as a moral doctrine and on geopolitical instruments of influence, primarily - energy resources for European countries, and military power used against countries within the sphere of influence of the russian federation," - said in Wikipedia. 

The article has already been translated into 26 languages. There is no russian version.

On April 1, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted a law banning the symbols of the occupying country.

The letters "Z", "V" are recognized as symbols of military invasion. Russia has been named a terrorist country that commits genocide of the Ukrainian people. The law also claims that the russian federation follows the principles of the fascist and Nazi regimes of Hitler and Mussolini.

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